What can you expect when you have your Air Conditioner (A/C) unit replaced? 

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How long does it typically take to replace a central air conditioner?

The time it takes to replace a central air conditioner usually differs depending on the installation’s complexity and the system size. Usually, it takes a professional HVAC technician anywhere from a few hours to a full day to complete the replacement. It’s advisable to obtain an estimate from a licensed and experienced expert to calculate the time and cost required for the replacement process. To determine the time and cost needed for the replacement process, it’s recommended to seek an estimate from a licensed and experienced expert.


Does your installer have to replace your ductwork when they replace your HVAC unit?

Not necessarily. It depends on the condition of your existing ductwork. If your ductwork is in good shape and properly sized for your new unit, it may not need to be replaced. However, if your ductwork is old, damaged, or improperly sized, it may need to be replaced or modified to ensure proper airflow and efficiency. Your installer should inspect your ductwork and provide recommendations based on its condition and compatibility with your new unit.

Does your installer have to replace your thermostat when they replace your HVAC unit?

Reusing your current thermostat is possible if it’s compatible with the new HVAC unit. But, if the new unit requires a different type of thermostat or your current thermostat is outdated, replacing it may be necessary for optimal performance. To determine the best course of action, it’s recommended to consult with your installer.

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